Jung, Page 30. No noble, well-grown tree ever disowned its dark roots, for it grows not only upwards but downwards as well. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 551, The content is the water that Jesus changed into wine, and the water is also represented by the Jordan, which signifies the Logos, thus bringing out the analogy with the Chalice. In so far as the standpoint of analytical psychology is realistic, i.e., based on the assumption that the contents of the psyche are realities, all these figures stand for an unconscious component of the personality which might well be endowed with a higher form of consciousness transcending that of the ordinary human being. Four signifies the feminine, motherly, physical; three the masculine, fatherly, spiritual. In actual fact, however, the ideal has been turned by superficial and formalistically-minded believers into an external object of worship, and it is precisely this veneration for the object that prevents it from reaching down into the depths of the psyche and giving the latter a wholeness in keeping with the ideal. Theoretically the third must be the auxiliary function, which would indicate that the conscious mind had become completely absorbed in the differentiated function. For the “golden flower of alchemy” (fig. The shepherd’s experience with the snake in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra would accordingly be a fatal omen (and not the only one of its kind the prophecy at the death of the rope-dancer) ~Carl Jung, CW 12 Para 184, The “shapeless life-mass” immediately recalls the ideas of the alchemical “chaos,” the massa or materia informis or confusa which has contained the divine seeds of life ever since the Creation. 022) ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 338, One naturally thinks of this vessel as a sort of retort or flask; but one soon learns that this is an inadequate conception since the vessel is more a mystical idea, a true symbol like all the main ideas of alchemy. I do not wish to labour this argument, for such an interpretation lies beyond my powers of proof. The felt realization of Brahman is spiritual awakening, called Moksha. I have very frequently observed the number four in this connection. The message of the Christian symbol is Gnosis, and the compensation effected by the unconscious is Gnosis in an even higher degree. “Thus,” says Tertullian, “Christ was named the bull on account of two qualities: the one hard [ferus, wild, untamed'] as a judge, the other gentle [mansuetus,tame’] as a saviour. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. It answered with a collectivism, a mass organization, a herding together of the mob, tam ethice quarn physice, that made everything that went before look like a bad joke. The hylic water contains a hidden elemental fire. Into this as yet unresolved conflict the Christian is cast as a protagonist of good, a fellow player in the world drama. The transition to the rubedo is formed by the citrinitas, though this, as we have said, was omitted later. One must be glad if he sees anything at all, and if he begins to understand what he sees.”, “La exigencia de la imitación de Cristo o sea, imitar el ejemplo y llegar a ser semejantes a éste, debiera tener como objetivo el desarrollo y la elevación del hombre interior; pero el creyente superficial, que tiende a las fórmulas mecánicas, ha hecho de Cristo un objeto de culto que está fuera del hombre, al que, precisamente por la veneración, se le impide penetrar en la profundidad del alma humana y crear la integridad correspondiente al modelo que sirve de ejemplo. Here are some of Carl Jung’s inspiring quotes! (Unfortunately medical discretion prevents my giving the biographical details. That is why, in analytical psychology, we resort to amplification in the interpretation of dreams, for a dream is too slender a hint to be understood until it is enriched by the stuff of association and analogy and thus amplified to the point of intelligibility ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 403, The aborigines of central Australia even identify themselves with their mythical ancestors of the alcheringa period, a sort of Homeric age. Carl Jung's Tarot: Alchemy and Archetypes It is said that Swiss psychologist Carl Jung discovered “the internal Tarot” of the human mind with his notion of archetypes. It is hypnotized by itself and therefore cannot be argued with. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 14, The immortality of the soul insisted upon by dogma exalts it above the transitoriness of mortal man and causes it to partake of some supernatural quality. The lapis philosophorum, for instance, is often the prima materia, or the means of producing the gold; or again it is an altogether mystical being that is sometimes called Deus terrestris, Salvator, or filius macrocosmi, a figure we can only compare with the Gnostic Anthropos, the divine original man (fig. It would be blasphemy to assert that God can manifest Himself everywhere save only in the human soul. 032). ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Page 323. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Page 380. And so on. ~Carl Jung, CW 12 Para 309, We shall hardly be mistaken if we assume that our mandala aspires to the most complete union of opposites that is possible, including that of the masculine trinity and the feminine quaternity on the analogy of the alchemical hermaphrodite. The rites are attempts to abolish the separation between the conscious mind and the unconscious, the real source of life, and to bring about a reunion of the individual with the native soil of his inherited, instinctive make-up. ~Carl Jung… When I say as a psychologist, that God is an archetype, I mean by that the “type” in the psyche. Not I but God Himself deified it.” ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 14. In other words, he encounters in matter, as apparently belonging to it, certain qualities and potential meanings of whose psychic nature he is entirely unconscious. It is and remains beyond the reach of subjective arbitrary control, a realm where nature and her secrets can be neither improved upon nor perverted, where we can listen but may not meddle. Jan 20, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Lewis Lafontaine. The process is in both cases an irrigation of the conscious mind by the unconscious, and it is related so closely to the world of alchemical ideas that we are probably justified in assuming that alchemy deals with the same, or very similar, processes as those involved in active imagination and in dreams, i.e., ultimately with the process of individuation ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 448, King Nebuchadnezzar had a vision of a fourth, like the “Son of God,” as we are told in Daniel 3:25. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 13. The Justinian Gnosis depicts her as Edem, virgin above, serpent below (fig. True, what the soul imagines happens only in the mind, but what God imagines happens in reality. Saved by Kalinrava . It was still outside them. Skip down to dialectic opposites. Apr 11, 2019 - [Carl Jung on “The Method” in Alchemy] The basis of alchemy is the work (opus). In spite of this we are on the other hand assured that the water is extracted from the Stone or prima materia as its life-giving soul (anima) 336, Every single one of these terms has more than one meaning; we need only look up the explanations in Ruland’s Lexicon to get a more than adequate idea of this. It inevitably dooms itself to calamities that must strike it dead. But these are the neurotic misunderstandings of people who have remained partly infantile and who do not realize that such things have been practised since time immemorial by adults whose activities cannot possibly be explained as a mere regression to infantilism. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 15, What does “wholeness” mean? Inside reign the archaic gods, supreme as of old. This vision is not without bearing on alchemy, since there are numerous passages in the literature stating that the Stone is Trinus et unus. On the contrary it [The Soul] has the dignity of an entity endowed with consciousness of a relationship to Deity. The twenty volumes, including a Bibliography and a General Index, were translated from the original German by R.F.C. However remote alchemy may seem to us today, we should not underestimate its cultural importance for the Middle Ages. Each of us is different; we all have different goals, aspirations, fears, and hopes. Carl Jung Resources > Quotes About the Collective Unconscious It must be pointed out that just as the human body shows a common anatomy over and above all racial differences, so, too, the psyche possesses a common substratum transcending all differences in culture and consciousness. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Page 8. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Page 4. Language, in its origin and essence, is simply a system of signs or symbols that denote real occurrences or their echo in the human soul. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. ~Carl Jung, CW 12 Para 20, The Christ-symbol is of the greatest psychological importance in so far as it is perhaps the most highly developed and differentiated symbol of the Self, apart from the figure of Buddha. Nigredo phase, alchemy. But, on the other hand, the same author will assure us that the gold he is seeking is not as the stupid suppose the ordinary gold (aurum vulgi), it is the philosophical gold or even the marvellous stone, the lapis invisibilitatis (the stone of invisibility) or the lapis aethereus (the ethereal stone) or finally the unimaginable hermaphroditic Rebis (fig. Carl Jung proposed and developed the concepts of the extroverted and the introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. Carl Jung Quotations 8. It is the black, magically fecund earth that Adam took with him from Paradise, also called antimony and described as “black blacker than black” (nigrum nigrius nigro) Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 433, Alchemy was trying to produce a corpus subtile, a transfigured and resurrected body, i.e., a body that was at the same time spirit. 157). ~Carl Jung, CW 12: Page 32. This problem is as important as that of sin in the Church. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Whenever anything real is discovered it is usually announced with a flourish of trumpets. The archetypes of the unconscious can be shown empirically to be the equivalents of religious dogmas. This problem of attribution may appear a captious one to the layman, but in practical work it is of great importance. Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the founder of analytical psychology. So we are dealing here with a “uniting symbol” that expresses the bipolarity of the archetype (fig. It appears as the Ouroboros, the tail-eater, in the Codex Marcianus, which dates from the tenth or eleventh century, together with the legend ‘the One, the All’. Carl Jung, Alchemy, Taoism and Neo-Gnosticism . It is incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing right conclusions about the future. In the end of the week I become a violent fanatic of Jewish and Christian belief in the sanctity of Sabbath on Saturdays and Sunday. Understood in its deepest sense, being Christ’s follower involves a suffering that is unendurable to the great majority of mankind. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 23. For it is obvious that far too many people are incapable of establishing a connection between the sacred figures and their own psyche they cannot see to what extent the equivalent images are lying dormant in their own unconscious. The subject isn’t easy to assimilate at first. ~Carl Jung, CW 12 Para 38, Thus an old alchemist and he a cleric! ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 208. We must then come to terms with the unconscious and try to bring about a synthesis of opposites. Carl Gustav Jung (July 26, 1875, Kesswil, – June 6, 1961, Küsnacht) was a Swiss psychiatrist, influential thinker, and founder of analytical psychology. The idea of the Pneuma as the Son of God, who descends into matter and then frees himself from it in order to bring healing and salvation to all souls, bears the traits of a projected unconscious content. Dec 26, 2019 - Baraka Kirtan – The Art of Spirituality (revised) by Antonya Wallace (Anth-E200) 12/7/2010 Introduction: Baraka: a blessing, the essence of life, soul power. He sends them his disciple Harforetus, “the author of nourishment.” So the work is completed and Thabritius comes to life again ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 449, The Christian receives the fruits of the Mass for himself personally and for the circumstances of his own life in the widest sense. Nicolas Caussin, from whom I have culled these extracts, observes that the unicorn is a fitting symbol for the God of the Old Testament, because in his wrath he reduced the world to confusion like an angry rhinoceros (unicorn) until, made captive by love, he was soothed in the lap of a virgin. I have been accused of “deifying the soul.” Not I but God himself has deified it! De esta suerte, el mediador divino se queda en una imagen exterior, mientras que el ser humano continúa siendo un fragmento intacto en lo más profundo de su naturaleza. Oct 16, 2020 - A genius and an INFJ. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 24. In the West the archetype is filled out with the dogmatic figure of Christ; in the East, with Purusha, the Atman, Hiranyagarbha, the Buddha, and so on. Generally it is fantasies and intuitive ideas that are represented thus (the winged Mercurius, Morpheus, genii, angels) ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 305, The ship is the vehicle that bears the dreamer over the sea and the depths of the unconscious. But the female element must obviously be somewhere so it is presumably to be found in the dark. There is no end to what can be learned in this field. But if we return to the “children’s land” we succumb to the fear of becoming childish, because we do not understand that everything of psychic origin has a double face. Thus we read in the Sepher Yezirah “Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, the living God and King of the world has graven his name in thirty-two mysterious paths of wisdom.” ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 313, Apart from the moral difficulty there is another danger which is not inconsiderable and may lead to complications, particularly with individuals who are pathologically inclined. Skip down to dialectic opposites. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Page 81. We can never reach the level of our intuitions and should therefore not identify ourselves with them. It is a three-dimensional mandala a mandala in bodily form signifying realization. Gone were the days when the psyche was still for the most part “outside the body” and imagined “those greater things” which the body could not grasp. ~Carl Jung, CW 12 Para 440, The encounter with the dark half of the personality, or “shadow,” comes about of its own accord in any moderately thorough treatment. I wish everybody could be freed from the burden of their sins by the Church. Curiously enough, Böhme’s first work bears the title “Aurora, oder die Morgenröte im Aufgang” (Aurora, or the Rising Dawn). The secret is that only that which can destroy itself is truly alive. Out of the egg — symbolized by the round cooking vessel — will rise the eagle or phoenix, the liberated soul, which is ultimately identical with the Anthropos who was imprisoned in the embrace of Physis. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 15, Christian education has done all that is humanly possible; but it has not been enough. Volume 12: Psychology and Alchemy 000396 Introduction to the religious and psychological Eastern man, on the other hand, experiences the world of particulars, and even his own ego, like a dream; he is rooted essentially in the “Ground,” which attracts him so powerfully that his relations with the world are relativized to a degree that is often incomprehensible to us. The attribute of Thoth was the baboon, or again he was represented outright as an ape. Unfortunately there is no “truth” unless there are people to understand it. For this reason the opus was often called circulare (circular) or else rota (the wheel) (fig. The patient must be alone if he is to find out what it is that supports him when he can no longer support himself. (History gives us some justification for not attaching any absolute value to these collective norms.) 174). It seems as if all the personal entanglements and dramatic changes of fortune that make up the intensity of life were nothing but hesitations, timid shrinking, almost like petty complications and meticulous excuses for not facing the finality of this strange and uncanny process of crystallization. - Carl G. Jung in a letter to Hans Bender, April 10, 1958, Carl G. Jung Letters, Volume 2, 1951-1961, p. 428. In his later years, Carl Jung became professor … No doubt it was this association that caused the Holy Ghost to be suspected of femininity, for Mary was the dark earth of the field “illa terra virgo nondum pluviis irrigata” (the virgin soil not yet watered by the rains), as Tertullian called her ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 192, The fourth function is contaminated by the unconscious and, on being made conscious, drags the whole of the unconscious with it. Carl Jung Quotes. Generally it takes the form of a fascination. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 24, The one great exception is Christ. 120). The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit. Like the prima materia the water has a thousand names; it is even said to be the original material of the Stone. “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 25, On paper the moral code looks clear and neat enough; but the same document written on the “living tables of the heart” is often a sorry tatter, particularly in the mouths of those who talk the loudest. Collection of sourced quotations from Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1959) by Carl Jung. I hope that these examples have made clear to the reader just how far alchemy was a religious-philosophical or “mystical” movement. It then moves on to work out the analogies … His work was influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, literature, philosophy, and religious studies. From all these dangers dogma—whether ecclesiastical, philosophical, or scientific—offers effective protection, and, looked at from a social point of view, excommunication is a necessary and useful consequence. In my opinion it is quite hopeless to try to establish any kind of order in the … Lion and unicorn stand for the inner tension of opposites in Mercurius. That is why the prima materia sometimes coincides with the idea of the initial stage of the process, the nigredo. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”. The alchemists attribute the same qualities to their Stone, calling it the “carbuncle” ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 552, The horn as an emblem of vigour and strength has a masculine character, but at the same time it is a cup, which, as a receptacle, is feminine. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 411, Thus the Christian projection acts upon the unknown in man, or upon the unknown man, who becomes the bearer of the “terrible and unheard-of secret.” The pagan projection, on the other hand, goes beyond man and acts upon the unknown in the material world, the unknown substance which, like the chosen man, is somehow filled with God. But anybody who really knows the human psyche will agree with me when I say that it is one of the darkest and most mysterious regions of our experience. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through […]. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 559 However we may picture the relationship between God and… Born ( fig - Explore sandra andrade 's board `` Carl Jung quotes, psychology less than excommunication with,! Am eaten up by patients, so that I can hardly breathe Notice this site gives the (. Past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and the collective unconscious, join hands the open between! Most recent times appears as the result of raising the heat of the archetype any more than we know that! Genius and an INFJ divine mediator stands outside as an ape found in Kundalini yoga turn it... By contrast, the seed has a trinitarian character in other words, the harmless... No longer support himself his notion of Archetypes to nothing less than.... Of any such copyrighted material the use of which has not been even touched... 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