Comfrey can be used to help stop bleeding in wounds and when taken internally, it is said it will help stop the bleeding from ulcers, relieve diarrhea and settle an upset stomach. I can't stress enough though that when you are learning about different herbs and their medicinal properties that it is important to keep in touch with an herbalist or a doctor. All these are eliminated via urine. Hi, I noticed that your last name is Ricketts and you are from Indiana. If you get a chance to try it, you'll love it! John Curtis [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. So, I'm glad to read your post. The recipe for the comfrey tincture of comfrey: Put 100 grams of comfrey root in 700 ml of strong brandy or alcohol into the bottle and lay horizontally that ‘it must be aged’ in a dark place for 14 days. It has many varieties. Comfrey root tea is good for use as a mouth gargle, it can be taken in small doses throughout the day to treat an upset stomach or diarrhea and it is also good for coughs. Comfrey has many medicinal uses but it is important to remember that just like any other alternative herbal medicine that you use, it should always be under the supervision of an herbalist or your medical doctor. Label the jar with what is inside and the date so you don't forget. Fill your pint jar halfway with dried comfrey herb. I came across this plant in bloom at the end of the lane and thought it would look good in the herbaceous border in my garden, so I brought home a few stalks and a piece of root. Cover the top with either another piece of fabric and wrap another, longer piece around the poultice and the body part that it is applied to so it stays in place.,,,,,,,,,, 12 Proven Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, Calamansi Juice: Benefits, Recipe, and Side Effects, Hibiscus Tea: Benefits, How to Make, & Side Effects. Take a mouthful at a time every few hours. Cover completely with boiling water, stir with chopstick or knife and add more water until full. Even though it is true that comfrey does contain alkaloids that can cause liver damage, some people still believe that as long as the herb is used internally on a limited basis that it is safe to use. Comfrey products such as poultices, ointments and salves have been used as herbal remedies because of the plant’s ability to reduce inflammation and urge healing. Comfrey leaf is prized for its allantoin content, making it useful for tissue repair and cell regeneration. Use a one-quart jar for leaves (such as comfrey), or hardy flowers (such as red clover), one-pint jar for roots, barks, or berries (such as burdock root or rose hips). This made propagation of this herb extremely easy and as people moved from place to place, they took their comfrey with them. Take the 1/2 cup of water and combine it with the 1 cup of water and you have your comfrey root cold extract tea. Again, it must be stressed that comfrey should not be consumed, but even inhaling or rubbing it on the chest can work as an expectorant. First, you will have to discard the tough outer leaves of the lemongrass stalks by peeling them away with your fingers. This tea is made from the root of the plant so it takes longer to make. Do you want the best of science-backed health & nutrition information in your inbox? Comfrey contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, substances that can cause liver damage, cancer, and even death, so it should be never be taken by mouth. Forêt, Rosalee de la. Those phlegms and fluids can catch bacteria and other pathogens, thus, extending or worsening illnesses, but not if comfrey is administered! As far as anyone can tell, the herb and it's medicinal qualities were first discovered in Europe, where many of today's herbs originated from. We source information from studies, clinical trial findings, and meta-analyses published in peer-reviewed journals. It will also help to quickly heal bruises. Consult a medical practitioner for health problems. Read more! If you are using a blender or food processor, tear the leaves into smaller pieces and add a bit of water to the machine to make the pulverizing of the leaves easier on the machine. One of the reasons that comfrey spread so easily is because it is a very easy plant to grow. Reduce heat and simmer until volume is reduced by half. Repeat this daily and there will be a remarkable, quick healing with the issue that is being treated. New patches can be easily started with root cuttings. As discussed earlier, comfrey contains high concentrations of bioavailable vitamin C. Because a healthy immune system relies, at least in part, on external sources of vitamin C, comfrey is … Health Benefits of Comfrey Wound Healing. However, Symphytum Officinale is considered … When sand is washed out I simmer the roots slowly for approx an hour, when cold I strain it & put in brown bottles with approx 10% clear methylated spirits as a cheap alcohol preservative. However, many of the organic compounds found in comfrey are able to transfer their benefits via topical application in various salves and lotions. Squeeze out as much of the air as possible. Comfrey contains a special substance called allantoin, which is a cell proliferative. This herb is amazing at helping with so many different ailments and illnesses. It can become a nuisance since it reproduces rapidly—even from just a tiny bit of root. A member of the borage family, comfrey - Symphytum spp. Both leaves and root are used […] Dr.Sangeeta Shrotriya, Dr.Gagan Deep, Dr. Kumaraguruparan Ramasamy, et al. Thanks. Everyone's opinion is different on this so if you want to use the herb internally for certain aliments and have discussed this with your doctor or herbalist, a tincture or cold extract tea are two of the easiest ways to take comfrey internally. (18) However, using it internally is not recommended. Eugene Brennan from Ireland on May 30, 2014: I didn't actually know what this plant was until Sunday and have never noticed it before. A tincture can be made with vodka or whiskey. In a similar way as the analgesic substances in comfrey, the various organic compounds, like saponins and tannins, also serve as anti-inflammatory components of this powerful herb. Boosts immunity Comfrey can help boost immunity for fighting infections. I just have few spots on my body and now I need used again to prevent to spread the psoriasis . Mary Wickison from Brazil on June 04, 2014: I too hadn't heard of this plant. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. If you are using a mortar and pestle, grind the leaves until they release their liquid and become mushy. Historically, some people have eaten comfrey leaves as a vegetable. It was also used for internal bleeding of the lungs and digestive tract, such as ulcers and hemorrhoids. It is also rich in calcium, which is a key ingredient in bone growth. On a perpetual journey towards the idea of home, he uses words to educate, inspire, uplift and evolve. Some people choose to use the tea over the tincture because they do not want the alcohol or they prefer the soothing effect that comes from drinking the tea. Word of Caution: There is a high concentration of specific alkaloids in comfrey that makes them controversial and potentially toxic when used inappropriately. Keeps for years in frig. Stir the mixture with a plastic or wooden stick, spoon or spatula. This is due to the presence of rich antioxidants in it. I steeped the leaves in boiling water, then used the leaves for a poultice on my breasts to remove the swelling and soreness. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, mainly due to its compound curcumin, is responsible for weight loss. A woman ( horticulturist) who was helping me in the garden dug up the plant & gave me the root to put on my broken ankle ( that hasn't healed properly). Comfrey leaves and roots are rich in tannins, a kind of compound that … If you suffer from arthritis, gout, or other inflammatory disorders, use comfrey salves as often as necessary. When you apply comfrey to your skin, it can have some benefits on rashes and irritations. This herb is gaining in popularity as a natural healer simply because it works. Put the root into 1/2 cup water and bring to a boil. Add ½ cup water and the root to a sauce pan, Bring to a boil. In herbal medicine, it was used for treating tendon damage, broken bones, lung congestion, ulcerations in gastrointestinal tract, joint inflammation, lung congestion and also promotes wound healing. It's typically only used in small amounts for a very short period of time. How to get oil out of clothes? When steeped as a tea, comfrey can be gargled to help relieve a sore throat, help stop bleeding gums and helps with... Use in a poultice to help relieve sore muscles, relieve soreness in tendons and help relieve the pain and itching of... Comfrey can … I always thought it was just the leaves to use as a poultice. Comfrey leaves are high in vitamins, minerals, and even protein. Medicinal Benefits of Comfrey. By increasing the strength of your immune system, even from topical applications, you can improve conditions like jaundice and various vitamin and immune deficiencies. Also known as boneset, knitbone, bruisewort, this herb is very versatile in terms of benefits. Dates are sweet fruits of the date palm tree. Comfrey is a beautiful decorative plant when grown in the garden that has the added bonus of being amazing at healing the human body. The entire list of reference links is also provided at the bottom of the article. I have added Comfrey oil to ointment for psoriasis which is was`t help before, but with Comfrey,..... my psoriasis is gone for a year!!!!!. You can use a blender or a food processor to make your comfrey poultice but it is not entirely necessary to have any machinery because you can make this by hand. Comfrey is actually a broader genus scientifically known as Symphytum, which is used extensively in herbal medicine. Also known as knitbone, comfrey is commonly used externally as a poultice for wounds, sores, burns, and fractures. Strain the root out of the water but don't throw the water out, it is part of your tea. After the six weeks, strain the comfrey through the cheesecloth into a clean, dry bowl. Comfrey leaves and flowers should be used carefully. Are you by chance related to Gordon Ricketts was taught at Northeastern High School in Fountain City Indiana. I shall have to see if this grows here. Here in Brazil, where I live, many Brazilians still use plants in their home remedies. This isn't just for comfrey, it is for any herb that you decide to use to treat a medical condition. 1/3 c. Comfrey Root, Dried & Cut; Water; Directions: Bring 1 cup of water to a boil. These alkaloids are particularly potent when consumed, which is why many medical professionals do not suggest any internal use and only limited topical use instead. Comfrey is most commonly taken as a tea, a tincture or a poultice. Its high in potash also and great as a fertilizer and as an addition to compost. The plant most commonly referred to and used in gardens is Russian comfrey - Symphytum x uplandicum, a naturally occurring hybrid of two wild species: common comfrey - Symphytum officinale and prickly comfrey - Symphytum asperum. Comfrey is a perennial herb that helps in curing ailments like swelling, burns, sprains, gout, ulcers, and arthritis. Uses, benefits and precautions. Medicinal Benefits of Comfrey Comfrey has been used for thousands of years to treat bleeding both internal and external. Other uses not proven with research have included skin wounds, skin ulcers, cough, sore throat, gum disease, joint pain, diarrhea, and other conditions. Cut rosemary on the new growth. Pour the finished comfrey into a colbolt or amber colored bottle, label it and store it for future use. Comfrey Plant Description Comfrey is a tall, rough-leaved plant found growing in waste places and old fields. For this, you will have to look out for green stems. Reduced Pain. It is not clear whether comfrey can actually provide these benefits. Yes, it is great as fertilizer and easy to use. Put the jar in a dark, cool place so the comfrey can release it's medicinal properties into the alcohol. This juice also helps in soothing acidity. acne treatment. It is a fantastic plant. Comfrey is useful in healing sprains, bruises and promotes healing of bones. Many people have been turned off of comfrey due to its dangerous chemicals when ingested, but in reality, there is not any proven risk to topical application of this impressive herb. You can use cheaper brands of alcohol but be sure that it is between 80 and 100 proof. Making a tincture of comfrey herb is very easy, it just take patience because it has to sit for at least six weeks to ensure that all of the medicinal qualities of the herb have been released into the alcohol. When steeped as a tea, comfrey can be gargled to help relieve a sore throat, help stop bleeding gums and helps with laryngitis. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned oral comfrey products.1 Since these toxic substances can be absorbed through the skin, there's concern about the safety of comfrey cream applied to the skin. If you’re suffering from any sort of chronic pain in your body or if you’re recovering from an injury or... Anti-inflammatory Activity. Photo Credit: Shutterstock. I have known this for quite some time, in particular when it comes to treating arthritis (Check out my blog Cause of Arthritis and Natural Remedies).The leaves can be applied topically as an effective poultice, and have been shown to regenerate tissue damage as it contains amazing properties such as allantoin to … The pain and redness was gone the next morning. I am just starting to learn more about herbs and am excited to try them out but I want to know as much as I can before using them. If yes, please share your email to subscribe. Patsy Bell Hobson from zone 6a, SEMO on June 04, 2014: I was just learning bout comfrey when I came across your excellent Hub. The botanical name for the comfrey is symphytum officinale which means “to heal.” The comfrey herb is available in many forms and can be made into a tea to help aid internal ailments such as stomach problems, indigestion, or even bowel troubles. The mint is better than an antibiotic because the mint cured the infection within 24 hours or less. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. There have been rare instances when certain rice noodle brands may contain gluten. Can you please advise me. The lotion is so potent, however, that you can afford to be quite frugal with the oils and creams. Ginger also helps boost bone health, strengthen the immune system, and increase appetite. This resulted in the plant spreading throughout North America and it can be found growing wild in many meadows and gardens across the US and Canada. Reserve the comfrey root and the water. treatment of broken bones, sprains, strains. relief from general aches and pains. Wounds: Comfrey is second to none when it comes to encouraging wound healing. For internal use, you will want to take a dropper full of comfrey tincture. Comfrey is a potent anti-inflammatory wound healer and both the root and leaves can be used. treatment for rashes or insect bites. I thought comfrey was outlawed from being taken orally. BENEFITS OF COMFREY. It is mainly grown in Europe and parts of North America. A lot of people steep it into a tea like mix and spray it on their garden plants. Always use scissors or pruning shears to make clean cuts. The high content of antioxidants, as well as vitamin C, makes comfrey pastes and salves the ideal solution for speeding up the healing of wounds. Antioxidants also help eliminate foreign substances in the body and preventing cell death, while vitamin C’s importance in producing collagen means that it is necessary to produce new skin cells for healing. There are a number of benefits of comfrey herb. The flowers can range in color from white to purple and the plant is mainly found in northern Europe. You will still see pieces of leaf and it is finished when the amount of liquid has increased slightly from the leaves. Use of comfrey is restricted in some countries such as UK and U.S. so consult your local health specialist before use. There has been quite a bit of debate over the past few years to whether or not it is a good idea to take comfrey internally. Helena Ricketts (author) from Indiana on May 30, 2014: Thanks! This resulted in the plant also becoming common is some parts of Asia and when colonists made the trip across the ocean to the present day United States, they brought comfrey with them. Due to the negative side-effects related to ingesting comfrey, it is no longer advisable to use the herb for internal uses such as pulmonary difficulties, gastritis, gastric ulcers, internal bleeding, sore throat, or gum disease as was once practiced. Adding comfrey to your bathwater is said to help your skin stay young and smooth. Comfrey does have great benefits used externally! Healing Bruises And Bleeding. He co-founded the literary journal, Sheriff Nottingham, and now serves as the Content Director for Stain’d Arts, a non-profit based in Denver, Colorado. Good information. Although this research is still in the early stages, any advances in herbal cancer treatments need to be accounted for. Remove from heat. I used comfrey 40 yrs ago when I had to stop nursing my son very quickly due to illness. It is an herb that should be in everyone's arsenal of alternative medicines. The unique combination of organic compounds found in comfrey can stimulate the regrowth of bone minerals, by facilitating more efficient uptake and use of these minerals within the body. For the blender or food processor, chop the leaves until they become a bit pasty. Place the fabric side against the skin on the area of the body that you want to treat. Both have medicinal properties but the root is believed to be better because it has a higher concentration of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon. Before you ever decide to take this herb internally, it is a really good idea to consult an herbalist or your medical doctor before you do. Spray it on their garden plants been used in the body to heal much quicker user, we reference. [ CC-BY-SA-2.0 ( http: // ) ], via Wikimedia Commons do... Take the 1/2 cup water and the root of the lemongrass stalks by peeling them with. Do you want to take a dropper full of comfrey comfrey has some amazing healing properties are... 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