See more. The chief difficulty with this form of instrument is that it is very sensitive to changes of temperature, for such changes not only alter M but also in general cause the centre of gravity of the system to be displaced with reference to the knife-edge. At A the air occupies its original position, while at H it is displaced towards the right or away from A since HP is above the axis. If the bar be displaced in a vertical plane so that its ends slide on the two inclines, the instantaneous centre is at the point J. displaced by recent fighting, which includes air, sea and land attacks. You may not intend for your cat to be displaced. The Pacific ranges, standing transverse to the course of the prevailing westerlies near the Pacific Ocean, are of the greatest importance in this respect; it is largely by reason of the barrier that they form that the tempering effects of the Pacific winds are felt for so short a distance inland in winter, and that the heat centre is displaced in summer so far towards the western coast. Applicant cannot have owned a home in the past three years for certain programs, with possible exceptions for displaced homemakers. Some light has been thrown on the connexion between the Tibetan race and certain tribes of central India, the Bhils and Kols; and it seems more probable that these tribes are the remnants of a Mongolian race which first displaced a yet earlier Negroid population, and was then itself shouldered out by a Caucasian irruption, than that they entered India by any of the northern passages within historic times. During the great migrations (see Dorians) the population was largely displaced, and the old inhabitants long remained in a backward condition. When the weights which are to be compared are of different metals further complications arise, for the volumes of equal weights of different metals will be different, and therefore the quantity of air displaced by them will be different, and the difference of the weights of air displaced by the two weights must be allowed for. Primary batteries have, in the case of all large offices, been displaced by accumulators. 20. Sentence with the word Displaced “We will have ever larger numbers of people displaced from the Sunderbans as more island areas come under water,” he said. Among the Aramaic-speaking people the revolution which displaced the Arabian court of Damascus in favour of a cosmopolitan world centred at the Babylonian seat of the civilizations dealt with in the preceding paragraphs naturally gave an impulse to the wider scholarship. It is, however, certain that the latter language was firmly established in Palestine in the 1st century A.D. Rivadavia resigned, and Vicente Lopez, a Federalist, was elected to succeed him, but was speedily displaced by Manuel Dorrego (1827), another representative of the same party. The Spartans failed to safeguard Heraclea against the Oetaeans and Thessalians, and for a short time were displaced by the Thebans (420). But the spectroscopes that can be employed for stellar spectroP graphs are not sufficiently powerful to separate fully lines which are very closely adjacent, and therefore a line, assumed to be of a known wave-length, may be apparently displaced by the near neighbourhood of an unknown line. self-reliance for refugees and displaced people. The restriction of the basic Bessemer process to pig iron containing at least i 80% of phosphorus has prevented it from getting a foothold in the United States; the restriction of the acid Bessemer process to pig iron very low in phosphorus, usually to that containing less than o ro% of that element, has almost driven it out of Germany, has of late retarded, indeed almost stopped, the growth of its use in the United States, and has even caused it to be displaced at the great Duquesne works of the Carnegie Steel Company by the omnivorous basic open-hearth. How to use displaced in a sentence. Refugee Children A child refugee is a child who crosses internatio… are made with the moving segment displaced alternately on opposite sides of the fixed segment. Meanwhile taxation was heavy, the whole nation was seething with discontent, andwhat was worstno way was visible out of the miserable situation; ministers and councillors were repeatedly displaced, but their successors always proved equally incompetent to find a remedy. Displaced workers can file for a 13-week extension at the end of 26 weeks if still searching for employment. At J the displacement is forward, but since the curve at Q is parallel to the axis the displacement is approximately the same for all the points close to J, and the air is neither extended nor compressed, but merely displaced bodily a distance represented by JQ. At the same time, however, the conception of radicals could not be entirely displaced, for the researches of Liebig and Welder, and those made subsequently by Bunsen, demonstrated beyond all doubt the advantages which would accrue from their correct recognition. Let us here suppose that the string AB is displaced into the form AHB (fig. A dielectric substance is electrically polarized by a field of electric force, the atomic poles being made up of the displaced positive and negative intrinsic charges in the atom: the polarization per unit volume (f',g',h') may be defined on the analogy of magnetism, and d/dt(f',g',h') thus constitutes true electric current of polarization, i.e. the colonial power of Tyre began to decline; on the mainland and in Cyprus the Assyrians gained the Upper hand; in the Greek islands the Phoenicians had already been displaced to a great extent by the advancing tide of Dorian colonization. 5. Between 20-25,000 people were displaced by the quake, and forced to live in temporary relief encampments of homes built from nearby redwood trees. Burke replied in his Observations on a late Publication on the Present State of the Nation (1769), in which he showed for the first time that he had not only as much knowledge of commerce and finance, and as firm a hand, in dealing with figures as Grenville himself, but also a broad, general and luminous way of conceiving and treating politics, in which neither then nor since has he had any rival among English publicists. The result has been that the domestic wines have now very largely displaced the foreign product for ordinary beverage purposes. If both the bodies are luminous, especially if they do not differ much in brilliancy, the motion of revolution is shown by a periodic doubling of the lines of the spectrum; when one body is moving towards us and the other away their spectral lines are displaced (according to Doppler's principle) in opposite directions, so that all the lines strong enough to appear in both spectra appear double; when the two bodies are in conjunction, and therefore moving transversely, their spectra are merged into one and show nothing unusual. If W be the weight in air, and W, the weight in water, then W, is always less than W, the difference W - W1 representing the weight of the water displaced, i.e. In the latter case, the densities of the fluids will be inversely proportional to the volumes thus displaced. "It wasn't a displaced fracture and it wasn't that bad a break," 2. Many efforts were made by the Scottish monarchs to displace the Norwegians. 0. In manufactures and commerce, also, servile gradually displaced free labour. What does displaced mean? The neo-chivalry of the 14th century, in which a fantastic love of adventure had displaced the finer and more ideal motives of the old chivalry, looked towards the Vistula and Marienburg. This apparatus, of which there are many types, was first introduced into seismometry by Professor Ewing. A ship displaces a certain amount of water, factory workers that have been displaced by machines. It is upon this principle that the hydrometer is constructed, and it obviously admits of two modes of application in the case of fluids: either we may compare the weights of floating bodies which are capable of displacing the same volume of different fluids, or we may compare the volumes of the different fluids which are displaced by the same weight. For overhead travellers in workshops, and for most of the cranes which fall into our second class, electricity as a motive power has already displaced nearly every other method. 700, after which time that language seems definitely to have been displaced in favour of Ethiopic or Geez: the condition of the script and the coins renders them all difficult to identify with the names preserved in the native lists, which are too fanciful and mutually contradictory to furnish of themselves even a vestige of history. About 25,000 … His reign lasted only one hundred days, when he was displaced by Kansflh al-Ghri (April 20th, 1501). displaced by the sphere, and assumes a statical state of conditions and that the conductor itself exerts no disturbing influence. The name Bar Harbor, which displaced East Eden, was suggested by the bar which appears at low water between it and Bar Island. 0. adamare, to have an attraction for, it also came to be associated with the loadstone; but since the term was displaced by "diamond" it has had only a figurative and poetical use. 3, It also addressed the issue of the return and reintegration of refugees and displaced people. Hence it is not surprising to find that the early Vascular Cryptograms were, beyond comparison, more varied and more highly organized than their displaced and often degraded successors. For clarity, the different plots are displayed on vertically displaced graphs which share the same X axis. Displaced definition, lacking a home, country, etc. But Herrera was displaced in the last days of 1845 by a pronunciamiento in favour of Paredes, who undertook to uphold the national rights against the United States, and who was elected president on the 3rd of January 1846. displace. And the weight of air displaced depends upon the density of the air at the time of weighing, and therefore the barometer reading must be taken. Our initial euphoria of foiling his ambitions was soon displaced as with passing time reality set in. The first church in New Jersey, at Bergen, in 1661, was quickly followed by others at Hackensack and Passaic. Some cities also provide in their charters that an official, including the mayor or a member of the council, may be displaced from office if, at a special election held on the demand of a prescribed number of the city voters, he does not receive the largest number of votes cast. To better understand the challenges of this theme, it is important to differentiate between the many categories of children: 1. To see this, let A, B be the displaced positions of A, B, and let i~ be the infinitely small angle between AB and AB. displaced person in a sentence - Use "displaced person" in a sentence 1. Displaced workers granted unemployment benefits must adhere to all rules governing the acceptance of an unemployment check or risk discontinuation of funds. In the subject of law Egypt boasts that the Imm ShfiI, founder of one of the schools, resided at FostSt from 195 till his death in 204; his system, though displaced for a time by that invented by the Fatimites, and since the Turkish conquest by the Uanifite system, has always been popular in Egypt: in Ayyubite times it was dominant, whereas in Mameluke times all four systems were officially recognized. In 1726 the duke of Bourbon was displaced by the king's tutor, Bishop (afterwards Cardinal) Fleury, who exercised almost absolute power, for the king took little interest in affairs of state. Stark discovered that in the case of the series spectrum of hydrogen and of other similar spectra the lines were displaced indicating high velocities; in other cases no displacements could be observed. Advocate for unemployed, displaced and homeless, orphans and teenage mothers. Thus if a point of the body be displaced from A to B, whilst the point which was at B is displaced to C, and that which was at C to D, the four points A, B, C, D lie on a helix whose axis is the common perpendicular to the bisectors of the angles ABC, BCD. In psychology, displacement (German: Verschiebung, "shift, move") is an unconscious defence mechanism whereby the mind substitutes either a new aim or a new object for goals felt in their original form to be dangerous or unacceptable. 1 to no. displaced sentence in English. The lower canine can then occlude lateral to the displaced lip and cause excoriation or punctures. In some instances, the only distinction is that crossing an international border turns an internally displaced person into a refugee. Need to translate "DISPLACED MEN" from english and use correctly in a sentence? Most of the representatives on mission were recalled, and many office-holders were displaced. To this is attached a mirror; hence, if a current goes up one side of a loop and down another, the wires are oppositely displaced in the field. Aberration Of Light This astronomical phenomenon may be defined as an apparent motion of the heavenly bodies; the stars describing annually orbits more or less elliptical, according to the latitude of the star; consequently at any moment the star appears to be displaced from its true position. both these divisions were occupied by the Pannonians, who in Slavonia had displaced an older population, the Scordisci; and both were included in the Roman province of Pannonia Inferior, although Slavonia had the distinctive name of Pannonia Savia (see Pannonia). For this purpose the position angle of the eye-piece micrometer is set to that of the head, and the eye-piece is displaced from the axis of the tube (in the direction of the movable segment) by an amount equal to half the angle under measurement. Hence if a film in the form of the catenoid which is nearest the axis be displaced towards the axis, it will tend to move farther towards the axis and will collapse. There have been no large studies that look at how the BDI II works for minorities or other sub-populations such as homeless youth or displaced employees. With liquid of density p, this gives rise to a kinetic reaction to acceleration dU/dt, given by 7rp b 2 a 2 b l b d J = a 2 +b2 M' dU, if M' denotes the mass of liquid displaced by unit length of the cylinder r =b. This symbol is in general use; it is assumed that at each corner there is a CH group which, however, is not always written in; if a hydrogen atom be substituted by another group, then this group is attached to the corner previously occupied by the displaced hydrogen. . How to use displacement in a sentence. Displaced workers can accomplish this task by logging onto the state's unemployment website or scheduling an appointment to speak with a caseworker. If then the torsion head is twisted, the suspended coil experiences a torque and is displaced through FIG. 91. The eye-piece is fixed in the axis, and the segments are symmetrically displaced from the axis each by an amount equal to half the angle measured. The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area. He found that as the observer moved to the north or south the axis of the light appeared to be displaced in the direction of the motion, which is the opposite of the effect due to parallax, but in the same sense as the effect of the greater atmospheric absorption of the light on the side nearest the horizon. In accordance with the custom of his predecessors he left the throne to a son still in his minority, A bul-Mahdsin Vusuf, who took the title Malik al-Aziz, but as usual after a few months he was displaced by the regent Jakmak, who on the 9th of September 1438 was proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Zhir. shanty dwellings of displaced desert nomads. Far from being displaced by the digital Panopticon, the ' intellectual commons ' of the Net continues to expand at an exponential rate. The native prairie grasses have been in considerable part displaced by grasses introduced from more humid regions. Thus we have reasons enough why the blast-furnace has displaced all competing processes, without taking into account its further advantage in lending itself easily to working on an enormous scale and with trifling consumption of labour, still further lessened by the general practice of transferring the molten cast iron in enormous ladles into the vessels in which its conversion into steel takes place. 11 to no. A large region was sunken, enormous fissures were opened in the earth, the surface soil was displaced 3 In 1804, the District of Louisiana, in the administrative system of the Territory of Indiana; in 1805, an independent government, renamed the Territory of Louisiana; in 1812, the Territory of Missouri; in 1816, another grade of territorial government. Sandwich was displaced, and his command was transferred to Monk, with whom was associated the king's cousin, Prince Rupert. There are 23 example sentences for displaced, and this page shows no. Digestive disease/upset: Enter all conditions apparently of digestive origin such as diarrhea, rumen acidosis, rumen atony/stasis, displaced abomasum. Tsunamis are waves formed when huge masses of water are displaced by … This telegraph required six wires, and was shortly afterwards displaced by the single-needle system, still to a large extent used on railway and other less important circuits. In conjunction with filing a claim for unemployment, a displaced worker must also complete documents with the state job services office. Fractures can be further subdivided by the positions of bony fragments and are described as comminuted, non-displaced, impacted, overriding, angulated, displaced, avulsed, and segmental. Later on, Amurru became the Assyrian term for the interior of south as well as north Palestine, and at a still more recent period the term " the land of Hatti " (conventionally = Hittites) displaced " Amurru " so far as north Palestine is concerned (see Hittites). But in 1815 the Germanic confederation (Deutscher Bund) was established by the congress of Vienna, which in its turn has been displaced by the present German empire. The system of Tournefort was for a long time adopted on the continent, but was ultimately displaced by that of Carl von Linne, or Linnaeus (q.v. We may illustrate the matter as follows: A heavy pendulum possesses inertia and the property of being displaced from a position of rest but tending to return to it. basic form, made all of the world's rail steel; but even for this work it has now begun to be displaced by the basic open-hearth process, partly because of the fast-increasing scarcity of ores which yield pig iron low enough in phosphorus for the acid Bessemer process, and partly because the increase in the speed of trains and in the loads on the individual engineand car-wheels has made a demand for rails of a material better than Bessemer steel. Whilst the refracted portion after leaving the plate continues its way in the same direction, displaced a little to one side, the reflected portion is directed into the side tube by a reflectionprism. Where the line of elevated land runs east and west, as in Asia, the desert belt tends to be displaced into higher latitudes, and where the line runs north and south, as in Africa, America and Australia, the desert zone is cut through on the windward side of the elevation and the arid conditions intensified on the lee side. I'm trying to displace him in his job. When in a compound pistil the style of each carpel is thus displaced, it appears as if the ovary were depressed in the centre, and the style rising from the depression in the midst of the carpels seems to come from the torus. definitions. the buoyancy of the of the displaced fluid, and acting B, the C.G. Without being intolerant, the Turks were a rougher and ruder race than the Arabs of Egypt whom they displaced; while the wars between the Fatimites of Egypt and the Abbasids of Bagdad, whose cause was represented by the Seljuks, made Syria (one of the natural battle-grounds of history) into a troubled and unquiet region. 2, 5), a Melicertan, the mouth is displaced towards the antero-dorsal side and the gap is postero-ventral. Though Arabic has to a considerable extent displaced the Berber language, the latter is still spoken by millions of people from Egypt to the Atlantic and from the Mediterranean to the Sudan. The Arabic dialects, which gradually displaced Coptic as Mahominedanism supplanted Christianity, adopted but few words 3f the old native stock. Water must be displaced from saturated soils in order to reduce the volume of the voids. Similarly, the inertia parallel to Oy and Oz is NW' - 1 B W', B C (b2 +-X, c 2 ab and A +C abc/ZP, Ao For a sphere a=b=c, Ao= Bo=Co =, 'a' = Q = = z, (9) U from (II), (16) so that the effective inertia of a sphere is increased by half the weight of liquid displaced; and in frictionless air or liquid the sphere, of weight W, will describe a parabola with vertical acceleration W - W', g (30) W+ aW Thus a spherical air bubble, in which W/W' is insensible, will begin to rise in water with acceleration 2g. In 1815 he became attorney-general, an office which he held, still as a member of the Senate, until 1819, when he was displaced to make room for a Federalist. Ground water that is displaced from pocket spaces may also cause issues with resettling compaction and that cannot be undone. And was so fascinated by Queen Adelaide that within a few weeks he was married to her at.. Refugee children a child who crosses internatio… another word for displaced peoples and d moves to d ' for! 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